It’s back! And I am so very happy to take part again this year. Jennifer of A Crocheted Simplicity works super hard to put this event together each year. I’m thankful to be invited!
If this is your first year, here is the tl;dr version :
16 designers have created promotions in their shops. All promotions use the code ENABLER. And the savings grow the more you buy in each shop! Try putting 1, 5, 7, 9 patterns in your cart to see how big the discount becomes!
Keep reading for a list of all 16 participating designers and their shop links!

Visit and like our Facebook pages, and try the ENABLER code in our shops!
ACCROchet on Facebook – and on Ravelry
A Crocheted Simplicity on Facebook – and on Ravelry
Ana D on Facebook – and on Ravelry
Blackstone Designs on Facebook – and on Ravelry
Crystalized Designs on Facebook – and on Ravelry
Divine Debris on Facebook – and on Ravelry
Felted Button on Facebook – and on Ravelry
Just be Happy Crochet on Facebook – and on Ravelry
KMT Creations on Facebook – and on Ravelry
KT and the Squid on Facebook – and on Ravelry
One & Two Company on Facebook – and on Ravelry
Pattern Paradise on Facebook – and on Ravelry
Sincerely, Pam on Facebook – and on Ravelry
Sweet Potato Crochet Creations on Facebook – and on Ravelry
The Purple Poncho on Facebook – and on Ravelry
Crochet 365 Knit Too on Facebook – and on Ravelry
And there are also GAMES to play to WIN PRIZES!
Head over to A CROCHETED SIMPLICITY‘s website to find out how you could win a pattern FROM EACH OF THE 16 PARTICIPATING DESIGNERS (Game 1) and the NUMEROUS GRAND PRIZES (Game 2).
Julie xx