If you’ve reached this post, you’ve likely come from the Crochetville.com NatCroMo Blog tour. Welcome! It’s been super cool learning about my colleagues’ pets and hobbies with this tour. I love that Crochetville makes it new every single year.
Now… Let’s get to know each other.
What is an ACCROchet?
In French, ACCRO means addict. ACCROchet is therefore a play on words, to explain that I really really really love crochet. In fact, I devote all my art time to crochet and Tunisian crochet.=
What can I do for you?
- I design original, colourful, modern crochet patterns with a focus on crochet sock patterns and Tunisian crochet patterns;
- I teach crochet and the business of crochet to groups and individuals;
- I translate and tech edit crochet and knitting patterns;
- and so much more!
Sign up to my newsletter here and never miss a new crochet pattern, promotion or event!
I know what you’re here for, so let’s not wait any longer. Get the BOGO CODE below!

How it works:
Put 2 patterns in your cart, add code CROCHETVILLE and only pay for 1 pattern!
Offer ends April 15, 2022. Offer valid only on Ravelry.
Make sure the code is applied before completing your transaction as I will not issue refunds.
I hope you’ll show me what you make! Tag me on your socials: @julie_accrochet on Instagram and @accrochet on Facebook!
xo Julie