Business of crochet
I won this amazing personalized illustration recently, from artist Rose Pastel Art. I definitely wanted […]
Have you come to terms with the fact that social media is the hamster's wheel, both in the effort you (the hamster) have to make and the weakness of the results earned? Yet each day we get back on.
You may have noticed that some of my recent free patterns contain a link to purchase a copy on Ravelry. It's possible you wondered why someone would buy a free pattern, or even why I some of my patterns are free.
I've been taking the time to slow down these last few days. To work better. To create habits that I want in my life, rather than spinning on the hamster wheel, going nowhere.
One of the previews for the episode of Dans l'Oeil du Dragon featuring Akroche Tatuk (my client and friend) had a super clickbait-y title.. loosely translated it said that crochet pays.
Voici quelques photos de ce bel événement du 25 mai 2019, organisé par la toute aussi belle Julie Asselin =) Merci et à l'an prochain !
Last Saturday was Local Yarn Store Day. You know I was going to partake, of course! I chose a roadtrip to Mont-Tricot in beautiful Sutton, Qc.
Some quick thoughts on a snowy Tuesday before the holidays. Indie designers sometimes have trouble […]